People use it to share their photos, videos, and thoughts with others online. Features of Instagram are the “like” button, which allows users to show their appreciation for posts they enjoy. While some people use Instagram for its intended purposes, like staying connected with friends and family or promoting their business, others have become addicted to the likes on their posts. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure and reward systems. Every time we receive a like on our post, our brain releases dopamine, which creates a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. This feeling becomes addictive over time as we seek more and more likes to continue experiencing it. Social validation refers to our need for approval from others around us. When we receive likes on our posts, we feel validated that others appreciate what we have shared. It makes us feel accepted and popular among our peers. This feeling can be addictive as we seek more validation through likes.

FOMO is a common phenomenon that many people experience in today’s digital age. We see other people receiving lots of likes on their posts and feel like we are missing out on something if we don’t get as many likes ourselves. This fear drives us to keep posting and seeking more likes, even if it becomes detrimental to our mental health. Now that we understand why some people become addicted to Instagram likes let’s explore the negative effects this addiction can have on them. One negative effect is decreased self-esteem. When someone becomes addicted to Instagram likes, they begin relying on them as a source of self-worth. When they don’t receive as many likes as they expected, their self-esteem can take a hit. Over time, this can lead to a decrease in confidence and overall well-being negative effect is increased anxiety. People who are addicted to Instagram likes may feel anxious when they don’t receive as many likes as they expected. They may feel like their post wasn’t good enough or that people don’t like them anymore. This anxiety can be harmful to their mental health and wellbeing takes a look at the site here

When someone becomes addicted to likes, they may start posting things just for the sake of getting more likes rather than sharing their authentic selves with others. This can lead to a loss of creativity and originality in their posts while Instagram can be a fun and useful platform, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers associated with becoming addicted to Instagram likes. Understanding why we seek validation through social media is an essential first step in managing our behaviour online. We should focus on using Instagram for its intended purposes and not become too reliant on external validation from others. If you find yourself becoming addicted to Instagram likes, take some time away from the app and focus on building your self-esteem through other means such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Remember that your worth doesn’t come from the number of likes you receive online; it comes from within yourself.